Mental performance declines as we grow older, but you don’t have to accept this inevitable decline as a normal part of ageing. Instead, you can take steps to improve your memory and brain function by adding the right supplements to your diet. Reducing stress, getting plenty of sleep and staying social are all great ways to keep your mind sharp and ward off memory loss as you age. But what if you are already experiencing some forgetfulness or notice that your mental acuity isn’t what it used to be? In that case, the right brain supplements can help support cognitive functions such as concentration, learning and short-term memory. These are the best brain-boosting nutrients:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that helps support neurotransmitter production and mood regulation. B12 also supports healthy homocysteine levels, and keeping homocysteine in a healthy range is linked to better cognitive function. Brain scans of people with lower B12 levels show less activity in the areas of the brain responsible for memory, attention and processing speed. B12 is naturally found in animal products and fortified foods, so vegetarians and vegans may need to supplement with this essential nutrient to avoid deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is best absorbed when taken with Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid, so look for a B-Complex formula enriched with these cofactors. B12 is also often included in brain-boosting supplements that also include other vitamins and minerals for overall brain health. Vitamin B12 is best taken as a daily supplement to ensure you are getting enough of this essential nutrient.

Ginkgo Biloba

The herb Ginkgo Biloba has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In the West, it is most commonly used to treat symptoms of ageing and mental declines, such as forgetfulness, poor mental clarity and lack of focus. Research shows that Ginkgo may have positive effects on brain connectivity and neurotransmitter activity, especially in the areas of the brain responsible for attention, reasoning and verbal fluency.

Ginkgo is also a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to protect the brain from oxidative stress and the natural decline in mental performance that comes with age. Ginkgolide, one of the active compounds in Ginkgo, has been found to improve blood flow to the brain. Ginkgo is best taken as a daily supplement in the mid-afternoon, as it has been shown to improve short-term memory and mental clarity.


Like B12 and Ginkgo, Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been shown to regulate neurotransmission, improve blood flow to the brain and support overall brain health. Carnitine is a naturally occurring substance found in the body that is essential for energy metabolism and plays an important role in cognitive function.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an acetylated version of L-Carnitine that is more easily absorbed and metabolized by the body. It is often found in brain-boosting supplements because of its ability to support mental clarity, improve focus and reduce fatigue caused by stress. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is best taken in the morning to support mental clarity throughout the day and improve energy levels.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are healthy fats found in fish, flax seeds and other plant sources. They have been shown to improve brain function and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Studies show that people with low levels of Omega-3s have more cognitive dysfunction and are at higher risk of dementia. Omega-3s have been found to improve blood flow to the brain, increase neurotransmitter activity and support overall brain health.

They have also been shown to improve short-term memory, verbal fluency and reading comprehension levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are best taken as a daily supplement and can be found in brain-boosting supplements that also include other vitamins and minerals for overall brain health.


As people age, it is normal for their mental performance to decline. Fortunately, it is possible to slow this process by eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercises and getting enough sleep. Supplements can further support memory retention and brain function by supporting neurotransmitters, blood flow to the brain and metabolism. Look for supplements that contain vitamins and minerals, as well as natural antioxidants and fatty acids, to support overall brain health.

By getdiza