Don’t read on your phone, iPad, or laptop. Instead, pick up a real magazine or book. Bookworms feel comfortable anywhere there’s a good book to read because they can relax with the familiar sounds and smells of reading.

A coffee table book that is also a work of art might be satisfying in more than one way. Not only can they show what you like and what you do, but they can also remind you to stop looking at the screen and do something else that requires thought. Also, they might be your house’s last need to look classy and up-to-date.

The coffee table is a good place to start, but decorative books can be used for much more. And there’s a good reason why decorative books are the best way to add a touch of class to any room in your house that needs it.

They Add Color and Order

You can play where ever you have a flat surface at home. You can use your books on their own or stack them to make a difference in depth and height. On one end, put a pretty dish for flowers and a stack of three books. This might be all you need. Don’t put everything on the table at the same level. Instead, put things at different heights.

Our brains work better when we see symmetry and patterns that repeat. Even numbers make us happy because they show that everything is in balance. When there are an odd number of things, our eyes look for the missing one to make things even again. This theory explains why designers like to set up a space with an odd number of things. Finding the pattern makes us pay more attention to how the piece is put together. We find it more interesting when a picture has an odd number of parts. So, stacks with three or five pieces work best.

 Displayed Horizontally or Vertically

Putting decorative books flat on a table or in a stack might not be interesting. Most people think of a bookcase when they think of a horizontal display. But this gives someone else another chance to find a trade secret from a pro. Both vertical and horizontal stacks give a shelf, table, or even the floor a more interesting look.

Color Sets the Mood

Putting furniture and art in new places is a fun way to keep the room looking fresh. One easy way to change your book display for the seasons is to put out books with darker, more moody covers in the winter and books with brighter, cheerier covers in the summer and spring.

You could also use a monochrome layout instead of a lot of colors. Simplifying the color scheme could be as easy as keeping all your books with white covers and black text together, or it could mean sorting all your books by cover color to find all the ones with a certain shade of blue or green.

Does it have a simple, minimal feel to it? Use your collection of decorative books to add color and personality to any room that needs it.

They’re Decor Bases

There is a place for lighting fixtures, candles, and little things in interior design. One obvious use is to light a room, but you can also use them to show off your personality subtly. But if you use a lot of different things to decorate, it might be easy for one special thing to get lost in the mix. Put a ceramic vase or a small sculpture on top of a stack of beautiful books to draw attention to the room’s main feature.

As Furniture

You can’t put them together like Lego pieces to make a chair. That’s not likely to happen, and it’s probably not very nice either. You could also use a tall stack of books as an end table to add a unique touch to your room. I like this idea, but I’m not sure where to start! Place an armchair in a corner to make a cozy place to read. The next step is to make a tall stack and put a light source on top. Put the heaviest books on the bottom if you want your stack to stay straight. There are two ways to deal with the blocks: keep them all the same or make them smaller as the stack gets taller. You can now sit back and look in style through your large collection of books on coffee tables.

By getdiza